Infinite Compassion Foundation

Shamar Rinpoche's opening speech for Infinite Compassion Foundation Hongkong, 2009

"I am deeply saddened that the rights of animals are constantly denied and violated in some parts of this world. Animals are exposed to immense agony, especially in Asia. When still alive they are beaten, skinned, have their organs removed, crippled and kept under torturous conditions. This and similar practices have to stop once and for all.

We would like to direct the awareness of humans to end all this cruelty to animals. A humane society should accept and protect the natural rights of the animals, this is in compliance with the underlying structure of the earth.

I believe that all living beings have the right to enjoy the beauty of the world. The earth is the mother and the living beings are the children. It needs a natural environment of humans and animals, also protection and care just like humans and animals. Without any preferences and discriminations the earth procures ideal life conditions for all. It naturally treats all beings equally and supplies enough food for all. Therefore, the earth is a good example of an ideal government. All laws should be made in the interest of the earth and all its inhabitants, humans and animals alike.

Humans have the responsibility to take care of all other beings in the world.

We must especially care for those animals which provide us with food and clothing, which entertain us or which we keep as pets. During their lifetime we should grant them comfortable conditions, in case they have to be slaughtered, we should make an effort to reduce their agony and suffering and do our best to avoid it completely.

Infinite Compassion will approach governments and respective institutions to advocate for the rights of animals being taught in our schools. We want to help people understand that they have the duty to consider and maintain these rights. Infinite Compassion will not rest until the rights of animals are included in the constitutions of all countries of this planet.

Our commitment will demand courage, dedication and hard work. And it will also require substantial financial support to achieve a good, quantifiable result.

I seriously hope and I pray for it that we will find the necessary sponsors and volunteers for this Organization.

We would like to encourage our sponsors to actively support us, if possible.

On the other hand I am very confident, because “Infinite Compassion” serves a natural and just cause whose benefit applies equally to both, humans and animals.

It is wonderful to pray to the Buddha, but it is even better to help another being in distress and need. Active help is a wonderful remedy for all our problems.”

May Infinite Compassion always be successful and serve its objectives until they are achieved." Picture of Shamar Rinpoche